Struggling to manifest more money in your life? I have three simple techniques to help you boost your attraction energy around money and abundance, and manifest more of it in your life with more ease! You can watch the full Youtube video on this topic here! Technique 1: Gaining Clarity on Your Desires Gaining clarity on your desires is the first step in the Higher…
The Amazing Sign My Mom Sent from the Other Side at my Wedding
My mom passed away suddenly from a brain aneurism three days after Christmas in 1999, and it set me on my current spiritual path. She has been sending me signs from the moment she passed on, and I’ve always shared them with others. Often people would tell me I was “lucky” and explain that they never get any signs from loved ones who have passed…
The 3 Ways Synchronicity Shows Up in Your Life
Synchronicity is happening around us all the time, but many of us don’t notice it or realize it’s happening. The definition of synchronicity is two or more events or circumstances that are meaningfully related or connected. And these occurrences don’t have to be exactly simultaneous in time. In fact, synchronicity can occur in the same day, same week, or months and even years apart. But…
4 Tips to Reduce Overwhelm
Feeling overwhelmed? Is your life chaotic? Is your to-do list getting longer and longer? Whether you have four kids and a full-time job outside of the house, or are retired and taking on new projects, overwhelm is something we all struggle with from time to time (sometimes more than other times!) Would you like to reduce overwhelm so you can feel more peace and less…
3 Mantras to Calm Down
Are you stressed out, overwhelmed, anxious and want to calm down fast? When life gets us crazy and spiraling and we find ourselves overwhelmed, stressed and reacting to everything around us, we CAN stop the spiral and calm down. We CAN prevent a bad moment from becoming a bad day or bad week, and it only takes about 60 seconds to do it. When you…
How to Handle Difficult People (and Relationsips)
Do you have difficult relationships or people in your life who drive you crazy? People who trigger you, irritate you, upset you, anger you or frustrate you? Are you struggling with a relationship, either a friend, family member, co-worker, boss or neighbor, and are not sure what to do in order to fix or repair it? We all have people in our lives that we…
Why & How You Should Cleanse Your Home of Negative Energy
Everything is made up of energy, and everything is vibrating at a particular frequency. This includes people, pets, places and things. Why is this important? Because YOU are can be affected by the vibration of people and things around you! Sometimes we have no control over the energy of a certain space we are in such as public places, a friend of family member’s…