Tammy Mastroberte is the bestselling and award-winning author of “The Universe is Talking to You: Tap Into Signs & Synchronicity to Reveal Magical Moments Every Day,” and her newest book “The Higher Help Method: Stop Trying to Manifest and Let the Universe Guide You.”
Brought up in the Catholic faith, Tammy’s life changed dramatically at the age of 22 when her mother died suddenly of a brain aneurysm three days after Christmas in 1999.
This sparked a new spiritual journey for her as she searched for meaning to life’s big questions — What happens when we die? What is the purpose of life? How can I find more meaning? To her surprise, it was her mother — through various mediums and too many signs from the other side to count — who helped her find many of the answers she was seeking.
Today, Tammy’s work focuses on using simple spiritual tools to tap into what she calls “the higher helpline of the Universe” to easily create positive changes in every area of life. Through online classes, her Higher Helpline membership program, live in-person workshops and speaking events, Tammy’s shares how to partner and communicate with the Universe to live a life with more ease and joy.
Additionally, Tammy has been featured in Parade, mindbodygreen and Aspire Magazine, as well as Unity and Om Times Radio.
I grew up attending Catholic school from pre-school to 8th grade. My mother attended mass every Saturday evening, and I always went with her when I was younger.
Throughout the years, I found comfort in my faith, and grew up with a devotion to the Blessed Mother Mary that was passed on from my mother to me just as her mother passed it on to her. My mom would go to sleep every night saying the Rosary, and had a collection of broken rosary beads from falling asleep while doing it!
But as I grew older, I stop finding the same comfort I did in the past. I found myself questioning the belief system I grew up with, and eventually stopped attending weekly mass. I went through a rocky breakup with a boyfriend while in college (he didn’t want it to end and refused to let go) and I began feeling very out of control in my own life. I turned too food as a form of control, and starved myself down to nearly 90 pounds.
Luckily, I found an amazing therapist and started to recover right after I turned 22 year old . . . and then life through me an ultimate curveball. My mother died suddenly of a brain aneurism only three days after Christmas Day. In an instant, life as I knew it was over. I remember burying her on New Year’s Eve in 1999 wondering how in the world I would get through the rest of my life without her.
Shortly after her death, my sister convinced me to go to a medium named George Anderson — who my mother knew about before she died — and 10 months later we drove to Long Island for a session with him.
And he blew my mind!
Although slightly skeptical at first, I left that session with no doubt he connected with and gave my sister and I messages from my mother (and other relatives). This launched me down an entirely new spiritual path. From George Anderson, the Universe eventually led me to Dr. Wayne Dyer, then Deepak Chopra, and eight years later I started the now award-winning Elevated Existence Magazine.
In 2008, the first issue launched with Deepak Chopra, and five years after that I took on the role of spiritual teacher, guiding others on the topic of how to uncover and understand signs and synchronicities from our angels, guides and loved ones on the other side; how to tame the chaos in life to find more calm and happiness in every day (and get the signs being sent); and so much more.
In May 2020, my first book “The Universe is Talking to You: Tap Into Signs and Synchronicity to Reveal Magical Moments Every Day,” will be published by Llewellyn Worldwide, with the audiobook by Penguin Random House.
My story illustrates beautifully how the Universe has a plan for all of us — even when it doesn’t seem like it. I wrote my book to help other people find these connections in their own life so they can live with more faith, purpose and joy, and uncover the messages the Universe, our loved ones on the other side, and angels and guides are always sending to direct us (and re-route us) on our path.