Work One-on-One with Tammy

Are you feeling stuck or unsure of how to move forward and make progress in one or more areas of your life?

Do you need help making changes in your relationship, your health, your career or with money and finances?

Would you like to know what advice the Universe has for you, and gain access to more clarity, connection and confidence to finally break through your blocks and see movement forward?

It would be my honor to help you!

In a one-on-one session with me, you will not only discover your blocks (beliefs, emotions, energy and unprocessed experiences), but you will the answers and guidance you need to move forward and create the changes you desire!

Choose from the two options below:

OPTION 1: Dial the Divine Soul Reading — $297

(Includes a 30-minute call with Tammy, a mini oracle card reading, the recording and a customized spiritual toolkit report PDF)

In this 30-minute one-on-one session with Tammy via phone, she will use her intuition (and pendulum) to connect with your soul and uncover your blocks (emotions, limiting beliefs and more) in one major area of your life (your spiritual connection, health, money, career, relationships, etc.) where you currently feel stuck or disconnected, and create a customized spiritual toolkit to help you move forward faster! She will also do a mini oracle card reading to discover what advice the Universe has to help you move forward as well.

After the call, you will receive a custom spiritual toolkit (via PDF within 5 business days of the session) with recommendations to help you realign with the Divine and move forward faster with more clarity and confidence in yourself and the Universe.

This session includes:

  • A 30-minute one-on-one call with Tammy (the call is recorded)
  • A mini oracle card reading
  • Your Customized Spiritual Toolkit Report PDF (emailed within 3 to 5 business days of the live session) that will include:
    • A customized prayer to call in specific higher help for your current situation
    • A list of blocks (emotions, limiting beliefs and more) and how to clear each one
    • A channeled message from the Universe

NOTE: This report is customized to your needs, so it may also include any of the following:

    • Easy spiritual exercises/practices
    • Crystal recommendations and how to use them
    • Ritual recommendations
    • Other recommendations (Books, healers, etc.)


OPTION 2: The Get Unstuck Spiritual Accelerator — $197

(Includes a 20-minute call with Tammy, a mini oracle card reading, the recording, and a list of your top blocks and how to clear them)

In this 20-minute one-on-one session with Tammy via phone, she will use her intuition (and pendulum) to connect with your soul and uncover the biggest blocks (emotions, energy, unprocessed experiences, limiting beliefs) holding you back in one main area of your life, and will also uncover the advice the Universe, your angels and guides most want you to know in order to move forward faster.

This session includes:

  • A 20-minute one-on-one call with Tammy (recorded and sent to you after the call)
  • A mini oracle card reading
  • The top (3 or 4) blocks holding you back right now in this life area and EXACTLY how to clear them

Book Your Session


Julie Varon“Talking to Tammy is like talking to a good friend … but a good friend with life-changing advice and spot-on intuition. Tammy almost immediately zeroed in on what needed changing and gave me bite-sized exercises and techniques to help me do it. I never felt overwhelmed by Tammy’s suggestions, yet they were surprisingly effective. And worked quickly. Tammy knows what she’s doing. I highly recommend working with her.”    ~ Julie Varon, CA

“Tammy’s intuition and ability to streamline action into a plan is unparalleled. In just one session, she gave me an entirely new way of thinking and specific targeted rituals and prayers to use which helped create a HUGE shift for me almost immediately! I can’t recommend her enough.”    ~ Amy B. Scher, NYC


“Tammy is so amazing!! I can’t thank her enough for my coaching session – it was so insightful and she has such an incredible ability to really zone in on the core of what needs to be cleared. I was so grateful for the detailed, customized plan she provided me with after our session, which gave me a real sense of empowerment. I would, and have, recommended Tammy as well as her book to anyone and everyone . . . she is such a blessing!”  ~ Courtney T, NJ


“Oh my goodness – Thank you so much for your guidance.  This is exactly what I needed to start on my path again. You gave me hope! The report you sent  was very thorough and informative. I LOVE the personalized prayer – very beautiful and heart centered. You are so amazing and a true blessing to me.” ~ Carol, North Dakota